That is right. I can't stand it. (First of all, I know, two posts, but I am making up for lost time). Okay so on to what I can't stand. I can't stand not having a baby. Mike has been really playing with Porsha and getting her to walk and I don't want him to. She turns one on March 1st and I don't really care if she is walking or not. I have told him that I don't care if she walks yet because when she walks and quits nursing I don't have a baby anymore. I CAN'T STAND the thought of not having a baby anymore. Especially since she is my last. I don't want her to reach any of the normal milestones because I know it will be the last time I see them in my own children. I know that some people still see me nursing and are probably wondering when I will stop. I don't really care what they think. I will nurse as long as I feel like it and she feels like it. I will assure you though that I will not be one of these moms that are nursing their babies at 4 or 5 (At least I don't think so! :) Not that there is any thing wrong with it because--- to each his own. But for my last little one, I want those moments to last forever. I would love to have a dozen kids but my history of pregnancies is not the best and it was just my time to be done. Mike is EXTREMELY DONE, no, Mike was EXTREMELY DONE two kids ago. It is time to move on and enjoy my kids without being pregnant and nursing all the time but I am sure having a hard time letting go. If you have any tips on how to ease this process I would love to hear it. I am not sure that there is any easy way to do it. I just wish these moments could literally last forever.
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crystalandbraden ...
Crystal and Braden -...
8 years ago
I wish I could give you some great advice, but I can't. I still want a little baby! I did okay for the first few years and now that my boys are growing up even more it is even harder. Mine kicked in double time when the boys stopped letting me kiss on them without giving me some resistance :-( I just try and look to the fun times as they get older and keep telling myself that when the time comes I'm going to be the best Grandma possible :-) Also, I nursed Traykun until he was 13 months old and then I had to quit cold turkey because I got pregnant with Fuzzy. Enjoy every minute for sure. The longing and the feelings do get easier to deal with.
Well, I can't believe it, I guess you are just one that can have alot of kids. The only advice that I can give you is to just go and enjoy what your kids are involved with, you will find that you are having so much fun with a little freedom and not having to have your arms so full all the time. And I'm sure Porsha will still be your baby for a long time, as you know, up untill Mylee arrived I still treated Braysyn like he was just my baby boy,and I have had alot of fun with him, I wouldn't trade Mylee for anything I am so glad that Heavenly Father knew we were supposed to have another one and this all gives new meaning to me on why the baby of the family is so spoiled, you just can't help it because you want them to stay little forever and so they get babied. I know Mylee will be that way. Anyway just enjoy it and I know you will start to enjoy the little bit of time you can have to yourself, But what do I know, I'm always dazed and confused so I shouldn't be giving advice anyway:)
Hey I feel the same way. I love to see my boys learn new things but I also don't want to see them grow up because they are my last. I guess we will just have to find other means to feel our lives. The one thing that I will be ok with is not having anymore diapers, but I am a long way from that point.
I'm with you there! Cara turns one on April 7th which is coming up WAY to fast! She crawls and climbs (on everything) but I won't let her walk either. The kids think it's fun to try and help her which I tell them not to, because to me when she starts walking she is to big! I think I have spoiled her the most out of all my kids (and boy does it show!) But I can't help it I want this to last forever!
I',m actully feeling really lucky God gave me another one to enjoy! Since we were done after Celsi! So I guess I love it more. Babys are the best!
I'm not really sure what to tell you.... The first 1-2 months of a newborns life are not my favorite, and may infact be the worst! So, to help ease your pain I am inviting you to stay at my house to get in some baby loving when I have my next one!
Sorry, I can't sympathize with you. I shout hurray each time my baby reaches a new milestone. I'm sure I will miss these times (so they say) but I sure don't feel it yet. I guess I'll be asking you for advice if it ever happens.
I think it's really hard to have the baby grow up. Mine is turning two next month and it's killing me!! I know I'm done, but it doesn't make it any easier not having a baby in the house. Just enjoy every minute, because she'll be grown before you know it.
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