This will probably be my last blog for a while. January and February are completely devoted to my scrapbooking. I do it through heritage makers online and I love it. I usually finish a book for each child every year and a couple of family albums. It takes a lot of time but I don't have to buy supplies or worry about any kind of mess. I just pull out my laptop (a christmas present from Mike) and start where I left off. I love to scrapbook and I am proud to say I am completely up to date with it. I update every January and February because it is the slowest time of the year for me and I have the most time to do it. Maybe as the kids get older and more involved in activities that will change but for now it works. Maybe with all the scrapbooking I will get a little time to blog but don't count on it. After doing a years worth of scrapbooking, the last thing I want to see again is my computer for a while!
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crystalandbraden ...
Crystal and Braden -...
8 years ago
Well maybe I could hire you to update mine. I have come to the decision to put mine away for say maybe 5 years, then we will see what happens that is sad I know but true.
Thank you for the tips on Heritage Makers the other day. I'm so thrilled to finally get started on scrapbooking.. :)
It was good to see you guys for a couple days. I'm serious about the hiking/camping trip this year! Let's definitely go! Good luck with scrapbooking season. :)
Can I send all mine over (kidding). I have not scrapbooked anything since I had kids (almost 10 years) I am going to be one busy girl when I get started. Good for all you moms who keep up with it, I wish I did.
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