Well, since people have been pronouncing the babys name not quite the way we wanted we have made the decision to change the spelling of her name. Instead of Portiah we are now spelling it Porsha. The birth certificate was really easy to change since it had only been 2 weeks but the social security card, my heavens, you might as well forget that til the child turns 16 and actually gets a drivers license. Otherwise I'm not sure it is worth the crap they put you through! Although if Mike had listened to me in the first place this would not have even been an issue!
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crystalandbraden ...
Crystal and Braden -...
8 years ago
Spelling baby names can be so hard! I would think both ways of spelling Porsha would work the same way.. we've had a hard time with Alisha, it should be spelled Alicia people say A-lish-a. (Totally Joe's fault!) And Arya, no one can get! I love all your kids names though, they're so cute.
I didn't know sadie broke her arm. bless her heart she is such a cutie. i hope she is doing well. I remember those hill out at cyote and brigham I walked up them many times.
Kam, thats why you need to take charge when it comes to your kids, men don't have to deal with as much as we do.
Cute pictures. My dad told me that Sadie broke her arm. That's cute that all she could think about was going back to camp. Kids names can be hard. I do okay with our first names it's the last names that ruin me... I went from Chynoweth to Lesmeister and noone ever gets either of them right :-)
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